7 Personality Developmental Pathway
Hardwiring : Cognitive intelligence – seeking security – and reframe fear by focusing on opportunities, and positive situations and people
Life Strategy : seek fun, opportunities and stimulating experiences to stay positive
Beliefs : The world is full of opportunities that need to be taken advantage of – life is to be enjoyed, ’time not wasted’, pain avoided. I must be stimulated/ have choice. FEAR : of being trapped/no options/not getting needs met
Habit of attention : Keeping things interesting and upbeat, Synthesising ideas and plans, multiple options to maximise fun and have fascinating life experiences. Experiencing life to its fullest, escaping the limitations of boredom, pain to be avoided, distracted away from
Self identity: risk taker, interesting, humorous, intelligent, optimistic, visionary, stimulated, adventurous, enthusiastic, not boring!, a story-teller, problem-solver.
An example of a person with the 7 PDP
“I am an optimistic, upbeat person who enjoys new and interesting things to do. I have a very active mind that quickly moves back and forth between different ideas. I like to get a global picture of how ideas fit together, and I get excited when I can connect concepts that don’t initially appear to be related. I like to work on things that interest me. I don’t like repetitive tasks and I don’t like to be bored. I tend to be energetic and positive. I like to be in on the beginning phase of a project, during the planning phase when there may be many interesting options to consider. If something gets me down or is painful, I prefer to shift my attention to more pleasant ideas. I like to be around people who are fun. I like to keep my options open, I don’t like to be trapped. I love to travel. I believe people are entitled to an enjoyable life. I like to feel excited/alive/joyous. I am visionary, see opportunities, am solution focused, and tend to be extroverted”. I know my own needs and actively pursue them.
PDP Needs Triggers Strategies to meet Needs
PDP7 | freedom, autonomy, stimulation, entertainment excitement, variety fun | Anger at people limiting them, missing out on the perceived ‘grass that is greener’, impatience at others slowing them down, feeling bored (under-stimulated), micro managed, trapped, options limited, not being able to express themselves – their ideas/enthusiasm, repetitive tasks | I create multiple activities that are stimulating & entertaining, although often don’t finish one before jumping to the next one, avoid negative emotions and boring situations, love travelling, interesting projects, maintaining choices, talking about interests, avoid repetitive tasks, make things humorous, tell jokes, look for opportunities and constantly think of and express ideas, can do attitude to everything, future thinking, plans and dreams for the future (so can miss the present), don’t like the details, like to ‘do their own thing’, know their own needs and seek to meet them, can be firm on their opinions and like to express them |
When your 7 strategies don’t work to get freedom, stimulation and enjoyment…..
Gluttony/Impatience – When needs not met or feel limited or trapped in some kind of pain — fear/anxiety/insecurity comes up – which produces impatience, anger, and being critical of others, less listening. Less attention on and empathy of others needs, focus on own needs and possible anger at them not being met by another. Can tip into an intellectual superiority, ‘Im right’ – other should listen to my opinions/ideas- the other is wrong. Difficulty being positive – which creates more impatience with situations and people. Feel trapped in their pain and overwhelmed.
Blindspots of the Seven PDP:
People with the 7 PDP frequently attempt to avoid unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By not focusing on any one thing for too long, Sevens avoid the possibility of something becoming unpleasant. Because they move from topic to topic so quickly, others may feel ignored or left ‘behind, or not listened to. They are very aware of their own needs (for stimulation, fun, enjoyment, not to be bored etc) which can sometimes blind them to others needs when they are stressed. They are great problem solvers – but this ability can be overused – so that other people feel they are a project to be fixed.
Another Blindspot is their challenge in staying present and listening to others without jumping ahead (due to their quick mind), staying with feelings (theirs and others) if feelings are negative. To recognise there is growth in moving through pain – and that avoiding others pain can lead to others not feeling heard which can create tension/disconnect in their relationships.
They are master problem solvers with very quick minds – so patiently co creating new solutions /strategies with their partner is helpful. A growth edge may be listening to others feelings and needs, as well as their interesting ideas, learning to reflect and validate feelings (not automatically jumping to reframing things to the positive – which is the tendency). There is a helpful place for reframing, but for the 7 person to do this after validating feelings so people feel heard first – and then offer a reframe to the positive). Checking first if people want their problem to be problem solved by them.
Working on patience, Slowing down to smell the flowers, practicing focussing on one thing at a time, finishing the first project, before the next one, being mindful and present to the gifts in the present moment (not in the future mental picture). Learning to share your softer more vulnerable feelings, as well as frustration/impatience….and stating the need in you that is not being met (for eg appreciation, consideration) and suggesting a strategy that might work for you (knowing it is only 1 strategy, there are many more) – and asking your partner what their needs are at that time and what strategy their partner thinks might work – so co-creating strategies (which takes patience). Using your gift of positivity to open your heart when your mind is overwhelmed.
How their partner in life can help them grow:
Understanding the pain for the 7 person around feeling limited….helping them see options. Helping them slow down by validating their feelings, asking what they are needing….and helping co-create strategies to help get their 7 partners needs met (and also honouring their own needs and sharing those needs). Helping them get present, and focus on one thing at a time, brining depth to their life.
Reflect on the above information – when do these beliefs help you in life, when do they help others? When do they not help you, or not help others? Could they potentially cause conflict? How true are they really?
Reflect on where your attention goes? ….and consider then where your attention might not go?
What situations most trigger you? How are your needs and triggers similar or different to your partners?
Can you think of times you’ve used these ‘strategies’ above and did they work? When did they not work?
What is each COST to using each strategy (for eg future thinking – not in the present)
Attempt to fill in your PDP Map, putting in just the information that it is true for you